A Place
, Wednesday, August 4 12:14 PM
Four months ago, yesterday, G.I. Joe and I were married. I can't believe it has already been four months! It seems like four weeks.
Ever since I moved here after our wedding, we have been searching for a church. We have visited so many in the area, and liked and disliked different aspects of all of them.
A few weeks ago, G.I. Joe's commander was telling us about the church he and his wife had been visiting. So we checked it out this past Sunday. I must say we were very impressed.
The church building itself took up several blocks downtown. We went to the contemporary service and really enjoyed it. The musicians were very talented and sincere. The pastor who spoke was not the senior pastor of the church, but did a very good job. Everyone was so friendly to us. I was so excited to discover in the bulletin there is a ladies Bible study every Wednesday, starting in two weeks, for 30 weeks!
G.I. Joe and I really enjoyed the service and were VERY excited about all of the different ministries we saw offered.
Then it got better.
Last night, G.I. Joe and I were just chilling at the house talking about his deployment. I asked him, "What happens if my car breaks down while you're gone?" G.I. Joe got sad because he hates the thought that he can't be right there to take care of me. He told me that we would sign up for Triple A and find some good towing services.
As we were talking, we saw a car pull up and two people get out. They started walking toward our door. We looked at each other, but neither of us recognized them.
There was a man and a woman at the door. They introduced themselves and explained they were from the church we had visited! We invited them in, and they proceeded to tell us all about their church and ask us if we had any questions. We had put on the card we filled out that G.I. Joe was in the Army. The woman looked at me and said, "We have all kinds of ministries for military wives, including a class for women to help them cope with deployment." Then the man said, "It seems like everything breaks down when your husband is gone. We have a ministry to help you when your fridge breaks down, the washer stops working, or if your car breaks down on the side of the road."
I looked at G.I. Joe, and he looked as shocked as I did.
I cried a little.
It is amazing how God can answer prayers, even little ones like that.
Needless to say, G.I. Joe and I are planning on joining this church. We are so excited. I already have two classes I am going to get involved in, and the children's minister is supposed to contact me soon about getting me in as a volunteer in the children's ministry (something I really enjoy).
God works in mysterious ways. Maybe not on our time frame, but He always has perfect timing.
Finding a church that "fits" is so important, making sure your plugged in and keeping the "fit" sometimes feels like work, but when you stay the course it is incredible. My husband and I are on year 16 at our church. It's a great thing to be surrounded by awesome friends.