Newest Family Member
, Saturday, July 31 12:10 PM

We were able to leave the next morning and spend the weekend with my parents. My parents had the weekend job of watching Magellan so G.I. Joe and I were able to help out.
Magellan is learning the sounds that different animals make:
The reason he does the "Hut, hut" for the elephant is because "The Jungle Book" is his favorite movie, and the elephants are his favorite part. He runs to the TV before the scene even begins, start dancing, and saying "Hut, hut" on beat when the elephants start marching. So because of that movie, he thinks the elephant says "Hut, hut".
It's too cute for us to correct.
On Sunday, G.I. Joe had to come back home to go to work the next day. I stayed with my sister for several days to help her with transitioning to two babies instead of one.We ran some errands and just had fun with the two babies.
Magellan is really enjoying his little sister. He is ready to share with her:
One day, my sister and I were sitting on either ends of the couch. She was holding the baby, and Magellan was crawling back and forth between us. All of a sudden, he just reached for his little sister! So we set Jack down and let him hold her for a minute.
Every time we say, "Give Sissy some love," he puts his head to her head and says "Ohhhhh". That is what he is doing in this picture. After about 30 seconds, he handed her back.
He's going to be a tough but good big brother.
My sister is an awesome mom.
You look gorgeous at the ball, "Cinderella" and I gave you an award: Versitile Blogger. Congrats!