My House Smells Like Calamine Lotion
, Monday, August 9 5:44 PM
Next to our mailbox is a small flower bed. Earlier in summer, the most beautiful irises bloomed there, but lately all that has been blooming in that spot is the poison ivy.
Last week, I decided I would weed the little flower bed because it was starting to look really ridiculous.
My mom and my sister have always been highly allergic to poison ivy. I never got it that bad. I might get one little spot, but it would usually go away within a couple of days.
That was my mindset going into this weeding job. Sometimes, I just do stupid things.
I did wear gloves, but also wore short sleeves and shorts.
My arms are the worst, but it is on my shoulders, my legs, behind my knees, on my neck, ears, and two small patches on my face.
Needless to say, I have been pretty miserable the last few days.
BUT on a happier note, I have to tell what my wonderful husband did for me last week!
First of all, since I moved into our house, I have had a hope of one day putting a bakers rack in the kitchen. There is a perfect spot for it, and the counter space in the kitchen is very limited. I didn't want to pay full price for one, I just kept my eyes out for one at Goodwill, consignment stores, yard sales, etc.
A couple of weeks ago, G.I. Joe and I woke up early on a Saturday morning and checked out yard sales. We were driving through our neighborhood when we noticed one house had the most beautiful bakers rack sitting outside!
I said, "Turn around! That was a yard sale, and they have a bakers rack!" I was already turned around in my seat and jumping up and down.
G.I. Joe turned around and we drove back by, but we realized that it wasn't a yard sale. There was stuff sitting outside, but the owners had apparently just set boxes and this bakers rack in the yard to get it out of the house.
We drove by that house four times trying to figure out why it was outside and to gather up the courage to ask them.
We never did get the courage.
We went home, but I could not forget about it. I called my mom, who is amazing with these types of situations, and she immediately encouraged me to knock on the door and ask, with some cash.
Well, I am a bit of a sissy and wouldn't go by myself. So I tried to talk G.I. Joe into asking, but we never had time to go.
A couple of days later, he went for a run. He came back only ten minutes later and said, "Quick, put on your shoes. I want to take you for a ride."
At first, I thought he was just being crazy, but then I remembered the bakers rack.
He had knocked on the door and asked the man who answered about the bakers rack. Apparently, they had given it to someone else, but that someone else never came to pick it up.
He said we could have it. For FREE!
I was about to flip my lid. We loaded it in the truck and brought it home. I Clorox wiped it down real well and brought it in the house.
It fits perfect in the spot I wanted it! I cannot walk into the kitchen now without a happy little sigh and a little stare. I love it.
G.I. Joe added his own little touch to the top.
That old saying, "It never hurts to ask," was definitely true for us!
I love the rack!! It is so cute and FREE!! GET WELL NOW!!!