The Hunt

, Monday, September 27 3:46 PM

I have not written in a long, long time. I have many reasons why, but I won't bore with my excuses. But today, I am so excited about my finds I just had to get back on here!

This morning, two friends of mine and I decided to go antique shopping. I wanted a wooden bench for my living room, and they just wanted to look. Well, we visited four stores, and they were all closed. Bum-mer.

But, I was on my way home when I remembered the indoor flea market near my house. I was still in "hunt" mode.

After putting down the yellow, glass, Liberty Bell cookie jar and the mini moonshine jug salt and pepper shakers, I found a stepladder for $5! Something that I have been needing desperately.

And it is just so cute!

Background info: I am trying to pull a dark red into my living room and thought a red trunk under my window would look really cool. Guess what I found next? Bingo! A red trunk.

It definitely needs some work. But the best part, is that I only paid $10 for it!

Maybe I am more in love with the hunt than the stuff, but I am excited about the stuff, too!

Now I have to get to fixing them up...

1 Response to "The Hunt"

Becky Says:

I like your treasures! The great thing about these is they are cute and practical!!